The Way

 From Idle to Ideal...

This is the Path

Stoicism and God

 I was asked if stoicism and belief in God is congruent. My answer...

I consider myself on a path of stoicism. My idea of God has significantly changed. I do believe in the ALL. The evidence of God I believe it's all around me, within me. I believe that the creator is so far outside of my human understanding that I couldn't possibly grasp the ALL. This way of thinking has benefit for me. It has helped me release dogmatic religions and greatly increased my own self esteem. I no longer find myself caught up in conversations where someone is trying to cultivate me into their dogma. That in itself has given me great respite, aiding in my stoic path.
So my answer is yes.

Know thyself

 Know thyself, and thou shalt know the universe and the gods.

Inscription on the temple of Delphi

Being your best

 How long can you afford to put off who you really want to be? The longer you wait, the more you’ll be vulnerable to mediocrity and feel filled with shame and regret, because you know you are capable of better.

I relate to this. I know now that we are more capable than we ever thought possible.
I strive each day to be the best version of myself and I have never been more fulfilled. I invest myself to my integrity, my character and I invest myself to my relationships because I see this truth.
I call to those whom I may have disappointed, hurt and left estranged in my past. Please, I would love nothing more than to be reacquainted with you now.
This call isn't a lack of boundaries it is a call of vulnerability because I believe it may have great value for us. I believe we are far better together than apart.
I love you all. Clark

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