Walking the Path

 Walking the Path

Back to the Book - Setting Habits

 Building Habits

Growing Successful

 Success takes working with others, you can't do it alone.
I'd like to thank my partner John Thieling.

Be careful with your words...

 The subconscious operates on the very words we say...

Cheper en. Emdo jen. Shesep en, heka-o-jen.
Ancient Egyptian
May your words occur, your magic shine.

Gratitude creates abundance

The simple act of being grateful creates abundance.


Second Chance Success

 Second Chance Success

Pray with Gratitude

 Prayer in supplication presupposes lack,
our subconscious operates on our belief of lack.
Pray with Gratitude.


 Maybe you could watch this tomorrow?!!!

Failure - A valuable tool

 That which we persist to do, becomes easier.  Practice

The Nature of Lag

One Universal Law that doesn't get enough attention...

The Nature of Lag

Construct Conscious Content

How to Achieve your Goals

You must become the kind of person your GOAL wants to be with.

2015                                    2022

I had to become the kind of person that my own body wanted to be with!
People can change, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Words Create Worlds,
Construct Conscious Content
Navigate, Take the Con.

Self Worth

 My self worth is NOT on the table.


 A new perspective upon an old commandment.  Words Create Worlds.  Take the Con.


 Imagination is the start of creation.  

How to predict your future...

 How to predict your future:  You Create It


 Time, the MOST valuable commodity.
Why then do we care more about wasting a little bit of money more than wasting a little bit of time?

Inventory your seeds...

 You reap what you sow.

What are you sowing?

Those who know the rules.

Those who have the gold, make the rules.   


Those who know the rules, make the gold!

Become the kind of person...


NLP Advantages

NLP Advantages, by procepts.org

Call now to schedule a seminar for your organization.


 Abracadabra, Aramaic for "I create as I speak."

What are your words creating?

Social Capitol

Each day as we grow we may find we'd like to associate with others who hold us accountable, those who expect more of us than others.

We become who we associate with, so wouldn't it be prudent to associate with others who have greater social standing than we do ourselves?

This is Social Capitol

You have heard the statement:

"It's not what you know but who you know."  

If this is true, then it is our responsibility to change "Who we know."

How do you do this?

Join clubs where you may find people who are the 'Movers and Shakers' of the world.

Some of these groups may be,

Toastmasters International

Rotary Clubs

Lions Clubs


and especially the Masons or Freemasons.  Seek out your local Masonic Lodge.  The goal of this organization is to better propagate human kind.  One of the greatest books I have ever had the pleasure to read was Albert Pikes' Morals and Dogma.  This is an outline of the 33 degrees of Freemasonry.


 Per Aspera ad Astra

Through hardship to the stars.

Adversity creates Character

Major Time

 Don't major in minor things.


Everyone develops according to their own time table.

Have mercy for others.



You cannot escape the accumulation of your attitude.

Attitude is an accumulation of discipline or recklessness.

How may I help you?

 We are not here to see through one another.

We are here to see one another through.

Carol Matthau


 When you work, work. When you play, play. Don't work at play and don't play at work.


 It is easy to neglect our lives, it is through will we may pursue our dreams with intensity. 

Breath of Life, breath of God

 There is a breath of God in every man, a force lying deeper than the stratum of will, which may be stirred to become an aspiration strong enough to give direction and even run counter to all the winds.

Abraham Joshua Heschel

 Per Aspera ad Astra

Through hardship to the stars.

Simply put, adversity creates Character 

The Way

 From Idle to Ideal...

This is the Path

Stoicism and God

 I was asked if stoicism and belief in God is congruent. My answer...

I consider myself on a path of stoicism. My idea of God has significantly changed. I do believe in the ALL. The evidence of God I believe it's all around me, within me. I believe that the creator is so far outside of my human understanding that I couldn't possibly grasp the ALL. This way of thinking has benefit for me. It has helped me release dogmatic religions and greatly increased my own self esteem. I no longer find myself caught up in conversations where someone is trying to cultivate me into their dogma. That in itself has given me great respite, aiding in my stoic path.
So my answer is yes.

Know thyself

 Know thyself, and thou shalt know the universe and the gods.

Inscription on the temple of Delphi

Being your best

 How long can you afford to put off who you really want to be? The longer you wait, the more you’ll be vulnerable to mediocrity and feel filled with shame and regret, because you know you are capable of better.

I relate to this. I know now that we are more capable than we ever thought possible.
I strive each day to be the best version of myself and I have never been more fulfilled. I invest myself to my integrity, my character and I invest myself to my relationships because I see this truth.
I call to those whom I may have disappointed, hurt and left estranged in my past. Please, I would love nothing more than to be reacquainted with you now.
This call isn't a lack of boundaries it is a call of vulnerability because I believe it may have great value for us. I believe we are far better together than apart.
I love you all. Clark

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